Monday 5 October 2015

Eden Warriors by Samara Delcourt: COVER reveal

Eden Warriors in the second installment in the Eden Creations series and follows where the story left of, but told from Shoshana's POV. It is set to be released in November 2015.

Angry after his capture, Joshua leaves camp to get away from the source of his anger, only to be followed by a worried Shoshana, who fears that the cold man who has taken the place of her long time friend, is there to stay. Determined to help him, she ignores all his attempts to push her away, even if it means putting herself in Arek's line of sight and making her his next target.
But with time comes forgiveness. Allowing for love to flourish in these dark times and burn away at the anger and bitterness that had been apart of the camp's life for too long.