Saturday, 27 December 2014

Writing my first book

When you start your own writing, no one expects it to be easy.
But it is enjoyable.
I find myself to be proud of what I have accomplished, even if it turns out to be complete garbage- which fingers crossed it won't- but as the page amount grows, I find myself eager to reach the ending.
Because I believe that I can and I want to share my imagination with everyone.
That's what writing a book is. It's sharing a little piece of yourself with whoever reads your work. Giving themselves a glimpse of what kind of person you are.
So I find myself at a crossroads.
I want desperately to share my book with everyone, but exposing myself to the possibility of being judged and found wanting... It's quite nerve wracking.
So I cling to the hope that some might actually enjoy what I write. That thrill is what I live and continue to write for.
So maybe as things progress, I can share my work on here.
It's all about those baby steps.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead: Chapter 4 and 5

Can it get any better than this? Not too long ago, were lovingly handed access to the first few chapters, and now we have the next two, too!!
Best Christmas ever!!

The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead: Chapter 1, 2 and 3

This may quite possibly be the best Christmas present, ever!!!
We have been given a glimpse into Richelle Mead's Ruby Circle book which is set to be released early 2015.
To read the first three chapter, go to this website by clicking the link that is the book... What are you waiting for? GO!


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals!

I know this isn't book related, but I received some mail through the post today from PETA describing the atrocities that are occurring in China. I almost don't want to share this as it sickened me to my core, but it has to be stopped. And the only way we can do that is by raising awareness and letting the foul acts of others been known to the world so they can be stopped. And the poor creatures harmed for profit and vanity, can be saved.

Thousands of dogs and cats are being used for their fur. Stolen and starved they are then shoved into crammed cages where they then make the tortuous journey to their final destination. Then for the sake of saving a few pounds, they are killed in the most inhumane ways imaginable. Water forced down their throats until they drown, skinned alive and left on the side lines to die. All for a collar full of fur.

It's sick and completely unjustifiable.

Though the story is a sad one, it needs to be told. Otherwise how else can these sick acts be stopped and other potential victims be saved from having to experience this Hell.

Beauty. Pain.
Shedding tears a second too late.
Anger. Shame.
The finger pointed with justified blame.
Fear. Redemption.
Helping in the form of voice and donation.
Protests. Jeers.
Yelling truths for the world to hear.
Action. Laws.
Saving the lives of animals we adore.
Right. Wrongs.
Making the world a safer place to belong.